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Sammamish Town Center (not licensed)

George Davis Creek Fish Passage Culvert Project

Senior Stormwater Engineer

Toby Coenen
(425) 295 0567
photo of person in rubber boots stepping into sandy sediment pool edged by rock wall

This capital project supports stormwater flows and the regional effort to improve Kokanee salmon populations in Lake Sammamish.

The City will remove a stormwater bypass system and barriers to fish migration on George Davis Creek. The project will improve fish passage from the lake to a point beyond East Lake Sammamish Parkway NE.  New, improved stormwater culverts will be fully fish-passable. The culverts will pass beneath East Lake Sammamish Parkway, the King County regional trail, and East Lake Sammamish Shore Lane NE.

The project will also replace storm drains west of East Lake Sammamish Shore Lane NE with an open channel draining. This will daylight the creek to Lake Sammamish.

King County remains a critical partner in this project. Upcoming improvements to the Lake Sammamish Trail require the County to replace the culverts that route George Davis Creek beneath the trail.  Additionally, King County will replace the culvert beneath East Lake Sammamish Shore Lane NE.

Project Updates

Construction is postponed indefinitely pending on-going litigation. The project team is committed to working with permitting agencies and partners to develop the basis for final design this year. However, flexibility is needed to accommodate the uncertainty in the process. 


May 2018 City requested proposals (RFP) from qualified consultants
July 2018 City awards contract for preliminary design (Phase 1) to PBS
Spring 2019 Following public outreach, stakeholder meetings, data review and, preliminary design; first phase concludes with determination of preferred alternative
March 2019 City acquires property to construct open stream between Shore Lane and Lake Sammamish
June 2019 City awards contract for permitting and final design (Phase 2) to PBS
Fall 2019 - Fall 2021 Preliminary engineering design, geotechnical investigations, property acquisition
Winter 2021 - present Final engineering design, easements and property acquisition, utility coordination, permitting, and environmental studies
TBD Construction


Preliminary design efforts cost $90,000. Final design costs are estimated to total approximately $1M.  The latest construction estimate is $4.2M.  Property acquisition efforts are running concurrently with the design process.

Sammamish previously paid $4M for property to rebuild the stream between Lake Sammamish and Shore Lane.  Approximately 65% of the purchase price was funded by grants.


This project will be funded through a mix of State and regional grants:

  • King County Conservation Futures levy: $2,000,000
  • King Conservation District grant: $90,000
  • King County Flood Control District
    • 2019 Opportunity Fund: $188,000
    • 2020 Opportunity Fund: $176,000
    • Cooperative Watershed Management grant: $300,000 for construction
  • Brian Abbott Fish Barrier Removal Board:
    • $722,350 for design
    • $1,000,000 for construction
  • Department of Commerce: $504,700, for construction

Additionially, some funding will come from Surface Water Fees collected through the City’s stormwater utility.
