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Sammamish Town Center (not licensed)

Pet Waste

Public Works

Engineering Technician

Lisa Werre
(425) 295 0573

It's harmful to leave pet waste on the ground

Pet waste can cause sickness in pets and humans

Pet waste contains harmful organisms like E. coli, Giardia, and roundworms. These can be transmitted to people and pets if not cleaned up and properly disposed of.

When it rains, pet waste is washed down the storm drain and into the nearest stream or lake. People or pets that come in contact with the contaminated water can become sick.

A single gram of pet waste contains an average of 23 million fecal coliform bacteria. Some can cause disease in humans. Pets, children who play outside, and adults who garden are at the greatest risk of infection.

Pet waste is harmful to wildlife in the water

When pet waste decays in water, it uses up dissolved oxygen, which fish need to survive. It also releases compounds that are harmful to fish and other animals that rely on water.

Pet waste harms aquatic ecosystems

Pet waste contains nutrients that can cause excessive algae growth in a water river or lake. The added nutrients upset the natural balance of the ecosystem. This is harmful to the fish and other aquatic creatures.

How you can help

Luckily, the solution to this problem is quite simple. All you have to do is practice proper pet waste disposal:

  1. When walking:
    Bag it.
    Bring a plastic bag with you when you walk your dog.  Use it to pick up the dog waste, tie the bag closed, and place it in the trash.
  2. At home: 
    Trash it.
    Collect dog waste or kitty litter in a bag. Tie securely and place in the garbage.

Tips for bagging it

  • Keep a supply of bags near your dog's leash.
  • Reuse old plastic newspapers, bread, or grocery bags.
  • Tie bags on the leash if you don't have pockets.