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Sammamish Town Center (not licensed)

Community Development

The Community Development Department provides land use and building permit services, long-range planning programs, code compliance, and front desk services. Our mission is to guide growth and change in alignment with the community vision outlined in the Comprehensive Plan. The Department strives to enhance the quality of life for community members. This is done by prioritizing their health, safety, and welfare, while also preserving and improving the natural and built environment. The Department is committed to serving all members of the community in a responsive, consistent, and courteous manner.


2024 Comprehensive Plan Update

Click here to visit and review the draft 2024 Comprehensive Plan.



Permit Center
list_alt Permit Center
other_houses Learn More
Current Planning
import_contacts Current Planning
Code Compliance
shield Learn More
Long Range Planning
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Town Center
apartment Learn More
Legal Notices
account_balance Learn More